Friday, December 28, 2007

Travel Light To Get Those Images

What do you take with you when you go out on a photography trip? I guess this depends on what you are going out for in the first place and how long you are going to be there.

I find that I take my camera most places and some of my most valuable images have been caught whilst on shopping trips. I love getting impromptu shots especially of people.

There are always plenty of people around near where I live together with a number of different street events happening. This is a great opportunity for good images. Consequently, I don't need to lug a heavy tripod around and don't have the need for several flashy lenses.

My "everyday" bag consists of:

My digital camera fitted with 18 - 55mm lens and built-in flash, a skylight and polarising filter, lens cloth, memory card (and spare), fully charged battery (and spare), a small torch, notepad and pen.

It's not much and is easily portable. There are few scenarios that require more equipment. I travel light and reap the benefits of frequent photo opportunities.
Tip! Do not discuss travel plans, your room number or any other personal information in public within earshot of strangers.

Over the years I have found that because my camera is with me most of the time, it is like I am always on a permanent photography trip. Image opportunities that arise out of the blue can be captured easily because my camera is never far away.
Tip! Park only in well lit and well traveled areas.

Eric Hartwell runs the photography resource site and the associated discussion forums as well as the regular weblog at

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